a license management page with top card stats and a table with Pin. name, license, created at, expires at, updated at and table actions
Make the footer not sticky and add an absolute background image
add a new withdrawal form on the right of the table, with payment method , phone number and amount
add a new withdrawal modal with phone number, amount and payment method
a video upload modal with title, description, price, and file
A video play page like youtube
a shopping cart component with an icon of total items in cart
A payment method component with the payment method as radio element styled as a card
Each Payment method should be a card that is toggleable and add a phone number field
Align the sidebar item to the left, add a title to the sidebar and a toggle button
a login page with two grids
make the sidebar responsive
a homepage that list videos in cards with a sidebar on the left
Center the page and make the filters smaller
Use plain tailwind without shadcn components