
Generate component with prompt



a form wiht a date picker range and an select input to export data


a form wiht a date picker range and an select input to export data


show me CollapsibleContent component from example above


selectable dropdown with search input


A signup page


UI: Add a "Training" section in the application with embedded videos and step-by-step tutorials. Provide an accessibility mode with a simpler interface, compatible with screen readers, and options to enlarge fonts.


a Sign Up page


A login page.


A login page.


A login page


Design Brief: Pick'em Table Design using Vue and Tailwind CSS Overview: The goal is to replicate the Pick'em leaderboard table from the provided screenshot, displaying user picks for different weeks, in a dynamic and responsive way using Vue.js and Tailwind CSS. This table will display user avatars (or initials), usernames, and team picks for each week of a season. The table layout should allow users to see the picks by week, with empty cells for upcoming weeks. 1. Functional Requirements: a. Table Layout: Rows for each user with: User's initials or avatars in a circle. Username. Weekly picks displayed with icons and team abbreviations. Columns represent weeks, with each week displaying picks made by the user for that week. Empty cells represent weeks where picks are not yet made. b. User Information: Left-most column contains: A circle with the first letter or avatar of the username. Username next to the circle. c. Week Information: From Week 5 onward, each week is displayed in a grid. A card for each pick, showing: Team jersey or logo (image or colored icon). Team abbreviation. d. Picks: Display a row for each user that includes: Small team jerseys or color icons for each pick (team name or abbreviation under the jersey). Each pick is enclosed in a small box or card with padding and borders. Each pick should be dynamic, so users can select teams. 2. Technical Requirements: a. Vue.js: Dynamic rendering of the table using Vue's reactive data system. Props: The component should receive props for: A list of users. A list of weeks (with dynamic content of each user’s picks for each week). Looping: Utilize Vue loops (v-for) to generate rows for each user and dynamically fill in the data for each week. Conditional Rendering: Use Vue's conditional rendering (v-if) to show empty cells where picks are not yet made. b. Tailwind CSS: Grid Layout: Use Tailwind’s grid or flexbox utilities to create a responsive layout for the table. Typography: Use Tailwind utilities for the initials, user names, and team abbreviations. Styling the Picks: Use Tailwind's padding (p-2, p-4) for spacing within pick boxes. Apply borders, rounded corners, and background colors to mimic the look of jerseys or team picks (e.g., border, rounded-lg, bg-gray-100). Use different colors to distinguish teams (e.g., bg-red-500, bg-blue-600). 3. Design Requirements: a. Table Structure: Each user occupies one row. A column header for each week (Weeks 5 to 14). Empty cells for upcoming weeks should have a faint border or outline (e.g., border-gray-300). b. Usernames and Initials: Circle: Tailwind rounded-full and bg-gray-200 for user initials/avatar on the left. Initials: Large, bold initials inside the circle, using Tailwind text utilities like text-lg font-bold. Username: Align usernames to the left of the initials using flex utilities. c. Picks (Team Icons): Each pick is represented by a jersey or icon within a bordered box. Align jerseys horizontally for each week. For upcoming weeks (with no picks), use placeholders (optional). 4. CSS Specifics: Tailwind Classes Breakdown: Grid Structure: Use grid grid-cols-[repeat(10,_minmax(0,_1fr))] for the 10 weeks in the season. Use grid grid-rows-[repeat(users.length, minmax(0, 1fr))] to display each user's picks in rows. User Info (Initials and Username): flex items-center space-x-4 p-2 for aligning the avatar and username. rounded-full bg-purple-500 text-white p-2 for user initials inside a circle. Pick Items (Jersey Representation): flex items-center justify-center for centering jerseys. border-2 border-green-500 p-1 rounded-lg for each pick box. Use dynamic classes like bg-blue-500, bg-red-600 to color-code picks. 5. Responsiveness: Use Tailwind's responsive utilities to ensure that the table adjusts well on different screen sizes (e.g., sm:grid-cols-5, md:grid-cols-10). Allow for horizontal scrolling for smaller screens using overflow-x-auto. 6. Additional Features (Optional): Hover States: Add hover effects (e.g., hover:bg-gray-300) on picks to enhance interactivity. Click Events: If picks need to be updated, add a Vue event listener for clicks on pick items (@click). Example Vue Code: vue Copy code <template> <div class="overflow-x-auto"> <table class="min-w-full table-auto"> <thead> <tr> <th class="p-4">User</th> <th v-for="week in weeks" :key="week" class="p-4">Week {{ week }}</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr v-for="user in users" :key=""> <td class="flex items-center space-x-4 p-2"> <span class="rounded-full bg-purple-500 text-white p-2">{{ user.initials }}</span> <span>{{ user.username }}</span> </td> <td v-for="(pick, index) in user.picks" :key="index" class="p-4"> <div v-if="pick" class="border-2 border-green-500 p-1 rounded-lg flex items-center justify-center"> <img :src="pick.teamJersey" alt="team" class="w-8 h-8"/> <span>{{ pick.teamAbbreviation }}</span> </div> <div v-else class="border-2 border-gray-300 p-1 rounded-lg"></div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { weeks: [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14], users: [ { id: 1, initials: "D", username: "dusty456", picks: [ { teamJersey: "path-to-tex-jersey", teamAbbreviation: "TEX" }, { teamJersey: "path-to-ore-jersey", teamAbbreviation: "ORE" }, { teamJersey: "path-to-miz-jersey", teamAbbreviation: "MIZ" }, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, ], }, // More users here... ] }; } }; </script> This should help you get started with designing and implementing this table in Vue and Tailwind CSS. Let me know if you'd like to refine this further!


Design Brief: Pick Input Sheet for a Sports Pool Application Overview: The pick input sheet is a critical interface in a sports pool application that allows users to submit their picks for upcoming games. This form needs to be designed to provide an intuitive and streamlined experience for users who are selecting teams and managing their choices. The design should prioritize clarity, ease of use, and ensure the correct data is captured, while also displaying helpful contextual information such as game schedules and spreads. Target Audience: The target users are participants in a sports pool who may have varying levels of experience with such applications. They need to quickly and easily select their teams before each week’s deadline. Project Goals: User-Friendly Interface: Ensure that the pick input process is intuitive and minimizes errors. Efficient Navigation: Users should be able to make selections with minimal clicks or confusion. Contextual Game Data: Include relevant game information like date/time, team matchups, and point spreads to help inform user decisions. Deadline Awareness: Prominently display deadlines to ensure users know when their picks must be submitted. Backup Picks (if applicable): Enable users to designate backup picks in case of unexpected circumstances, unless restricted for certain situations (e.g., future weeks). Feedback and Confirmation: Provide feedback on the status of pick submissions and offer a confirmation feature to assure users their selections have been saved successfully. Functional Requirements: Pick Selection Section: Pick Inputs: Each user will need to select multiple picks. The form should have separate fields for each required pick (e.g., "Pick 1", "Pick 2"). Backup Picks: Allow users to select a backup pick when applicable, or show an indication when backup picks are unavailable (e.g., "Not available for future week"). Dropdown Menus: Use dropdowns for pick selections, pre-populated with valid team options for that week. Eliminated Users: If a user has been eliminated in a previous week, clearly indicate this by showing the corresponding message (e.g., "Eliminated in College 6"). Game Information Display: Display relevant game matchups in a clear table format below the pick input section. Game Matchup Table Details: Date/Time of each game. Favorite and Underdog teams. Live Spread and OFP Spread (optional or applicable to enhance decision-making). Ensure the game list is sorted by game start time, with clear distinctions between favorites and underdogs. Deadline Display: Display the pick deadline clearly at the top of the sheet. Use contrasting colors or styling to emphasize the deadline (e.g., “Pick Deadline: Sat, 10/19 9:00 AM PT”). Pick History: Provide an easy-to-access link or button for users to view their pick history (e.g., "Show pick history"). Save and Confirmation: Save Picks Button: Include a "Save Picks" button with a checkbox for users to opt into receiving a confirmation email. Feedback: Once picks are saved, provide immediate visual confirmation (e.g., success message or pop-up). Validation and Error Handling: Ensure proper validation to prevent incomplete or invalid picks from being submitted (e.g., disallow future week selections from being saved without confirmation). Display error messages if selections are invalid or missing. Visual Design Guidelines: Consistency: Follow consistent design patterns, such as using similar dropdown styles, button designs, and fonts for readability. Maintain a clean, minimalist design that allows users to focus on making their picks. Responsive Design: Ensure the pick sheet works well on mobile devices, tablets, and desktops. Dropdowns, buttons, and tables should adjust to screen sizes without compromising readability. Color and Typography: Use contrasting colors to differentiate key areas like deadlines, errors, or success messages. Apply legible fonts for both headers and content. Ensure that all text, especially in tables, is large enough to read comfortably. Spacing and Layout: Maintain sufficient padding between elements to avoid crowding, particularly around the pick input dropdowns and the game matchups table. Align input fields, buttons, and the matchup table clearly, creating a logical flow for the user.


Generate a pricing page


A pricing page


parent can select